To the New (or New Again) Mama Celebrating Mother’s Day

To the New (or New Again) Mama Celebrating Mother’s Day

You carry that car seat out in public like a badge of honor. You find yourself rocking even when your arms are empty. You randomly find poop, spit-up, breastmilk, or formula on your clothes or in your hair, usually with no idea how long it could have been there. You live your life on a three-hour (or shorter) loop – feed the baby, burp the baby, change the baby, rock the baby back to sleep. You’re exhausted to your bones, no matter how much coffee you drink (if you even manage to finish a full cup).

You are a mother in the thick of it.

From the challenges…

Struggling to get your baby to latch properly and grimacing through sore nipples so they at least eat something until you can figure it out.

Wondering if you’re producing enough breastmilk to begin with and stressing over increasing your supply.

Leaking between feedings, sometimes going through multiple nursing pads in a day. (And then there are those over-full, spray milk across the room, moments!)

Sobbing on the nursery floor because you’re so tired, and the baby is hungry. Again.

Feeling emotional and hormonal – while also not getting enough sleep.

Struggling to accept your new body and feel proud of the life it helped you produce while still wishing you could reduce those stretch marks or C-section scars.

Blowouts. At the worst possible times.

To the triumphs…

Finally feeling confident in feeding your baby – whether by breastfeeding, pumping, or with formula. Knowing that you are doing what’s best for your family and seeing how happy your little one can be with a full stomach.

Every milestone. The first smile (even if it’s just gas!), the first roll-over, the first smile just for you, the first giggle. Everything that reminds you this isn’t just a fragile bundle, but a whole new personality blooming before your eyes.

The way your baby nuzzles in closer as you rock, sometimes even reaching those tiny baby arms up in a mini-hug around your neck.

Finding peace with the changes your body went through to bring you your bundle of joy, and finding ways to take care of yourself as you heal.

When your little one looks at you or hears your voice and is immediately calmed, and you have the surreal realization that you can comfort them just by being you.

We celebrate you, Mama

Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate and appreciate all mothers, but we have a special soft spot for those of you caring for the littlest of littles. The newborn phase is such a whirlwind. Each new experience comes with a mix of emotions – you could be nervous (or even scared), frustrated, overwhelmed, grateful, and filled with deep love, all at the same time! It’s exhausting in the best way.

Your entire existence right now revolves around caring for this little life, but this Mother’s Day, we hope you take some time to care for yourself. You might not be able to manage breakfast in bed or a fancy dinner out this year, but you can – and deserve to – do something special just for you.

Take care of yourself, too!

You’ve likely heard it before: You can’t pour from an empty cup. You probably know self-care is important to feeling your best and therefore feeling like the mom you want to be. But 78% of moms say they put their loved ones’ needs ahead of their own health. So how do you fit in time for yourself when your baby requires so much of your time and attention? Here are some of our favorite tips for getting a little self-care in on Mother’s Day and beyond:

  • Get some rest. We know that the adage, “sleep when the baby’s sleeping,” doesn’t always work. And with a round-the-clock feeding schedule, you might not get to sleep at night either. But sleep is essential to feeling your best and keeping your baby safe. Pediatric sleep consultants recommend creating a comfortable sleep environment (keep the clutter out of the bedroom!), accepting help to allow for a nap without worrying about piles of laundry or dirty dishes, and not relying too heavily on caffeine as a substitute for sleep.
  • Move your body. Depending on where you are in your postpartum journey, you might not be able to take on a full workout yet, but even taking a short walk can help you clear your head, get some fresh air, and remember the outside world. Being home with your baby can feel isolating. Getting out the door – even with baby – can help remind you that the season you’re in is part of a bigger picture! And getting your blood pumping can help you feel better, too.
  • Reconnect with yourself. New motherhood can take over more than your sleep; your routines and even your thoughts can be overrun by everything required of you in the first few months of your baby’s life. Try to carve out some time for your own hobbies, books, or activities. Accept help from friends and family, take turns with a partner, or use baby’s naptime (if only occasionally) to continue to pursue your own interests.
  • Reconnect with the outside world. As we mentioned above, being home with a newborn can be isolating. Look for opportunities to get out of the house. Meet a friend for a walk or a quick lunch to catch up. Ask a trusted friend or relative to watch the baby for an occasional date night. Go to your favorite store – alone!

Making motherhood a little easier

You can also make your life a little easier with these new-mom essentials from Bamboobies.

    Nursing products:

    • Nursing pads: Leaks can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Our collection of nursing pads have you covered – and comfortable! – whether you’re out and about or just trying to make it through the night.
    • Nursing apparel: When you’re new-mom-tired and either nursing or pumping, you want to wear something soft, cute, and convenient. We have nursing bras, tanks, shawls, and an easy access nursing nightgown that fit the bill!
    • Creams & balms: Take care of stretched and scarred skin, and reduce friction while pumping, with creams and balms specially designed for your unique new-mom needs, using only natural or organic ingredients.

    When you’re cleaning up the latest blowout, bleary-eyed and frustrated; or when you’re up in the middle of the night feeding or calming your baby; or when you’re attached to your pump, trying to fit in a mid-day snack between diaper changes and feedings – remember that you’re not alone. You are part of a wonderfully rewarding club. You are a mother. And you deserve to be celebrated and taken care of – on Mother’s Day, and every day.


    Good Housekeeping: Putting Your Family First Doesn’t Make You a Better Mom

    Healthline Parenthood: We Asked Sleep Consultants How to Survive the Newborn Days

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