Award-winning, blogger-loved, media darling...see who's talking about
Denver Post - (1.28.18) "When parenting and entrepreneurship collide: Colorado business owners inspired by their kids. There’s no parent entrepreneur hotline or guide to juggling kids and startup life!" Kerry, our founder, shares her thoughts on being a parent and an entrepreneur - go mom!
Mama Sagas (11.21.17) - Our founder, Kerry, shares her story about what motherhood has been like for her and her biggest motherhood surprise. Check it out!
Fit Pregnancy and Baby (7.11.17) Designed by a breastfeeding mother of three, washable Bamboobies nursing pads are made of bamboo and organic cotton velour. The pads wick away moisture like crazy, don't leak and stay put—no more slipping around in your bra or, worse, dropping out of your shirt.
Pregnancy & Newborn
Life With My Littles 3/20/17 "So which pad is right for you? It really depends on you and it can even depend on the day and the activity. Sometimes you might opt for a washable pad, and other times a disposable pad. It’s a great idea to have some of both, even if you plan on using one a lot more than the other. I like both for different reasons, and you’ll probably find you do, too. Either way, Bamboobies has got you covered (literally)!"
The Kids Did It 3/4/17 "This has been one of the most comfortable bras I have ever worn, nursing or otherwise. The fit is perfect, the support is what I need and the moisture-wicking is much appreciated."
Eleven Cupcakes 2/22/17 "Bamboobies Chic Nursing Shawl– I love this thing. I use it as a nursing shawl when I’m in public, as a carseat cover when we are out on walks or driving in the car, and as a cover when I am pumping at work. Multi purpose for the win."
The Mommyhood Chronicles 2/17/17 "If you’re a new mom who is embarking on a breastfeeding/pumping journey and are looking for some awesome new products to try out to make things easier and more comfortable, then I would definitely suggest bamboobies as a whole but definitely the Pumping Lubricant and Yoga Nursing Brahhh!"
Faithfully Beautiful 2/13/17 "Being comfortable after having a baby was one of the hardest parts of recovery for me. Disposable pads were so itchy and irritating and other reusable ones I had did not keep me from leaking. I was so thrilled that after having Landon I had found Bamboobies. These are lifesavers! They kept me dry & honestly I didn’t even know they were there. They hide from the eye, are not bulky, are SUPER soft, and soak up everything!!"
Milkmakers 12/22/16 "We also featured the very best products for taking care of your boobs. (That’s right, we said it): Bamboobies! We showed you their Ecopure Premium Disposable Nursing Pads, their Regular Nursing Pads (which make me feel happy every time I see them/wear them because: hearts), their super Chic Nursing Shawl, and their Organic Nipple Balm which makes your boobs oh-so-soft and eases the horrible fires-of-hell pain evoke by cracked, dry nipples during nursing.
Pregnancy Magazine 12/14/16 "Described as the ‘cashmere of nursing pads,’ these heart-shaped, absorbent liners from Bamboobies are made from sustainable and super-soft bamboo. They are designed to be undetectable under clothing, with no lines and no risk of leaking through. Eco-friendly and machine washable for multiple uses."
Lactation Link 12/7/16 "bamboobies. Simply the best breast pads. They are super soft and absorbent without being bulky in your bra. Their regular pads are perfect for everyday. The overnight pads are not only great for nighttime but the first several weeks when moms are likely to be pretty leaky."
Rockin' Mama Life 10/24/16
Making Most of Life 7/1/16 "Yes, they do sell disposable nursing pads. However the washable ones are SO much nicer! They are softer and less bulky. Softness really matters when you are just starting out breastfeeding. They are also a little more environmentally friendly. I loved the Bamboobies Ultra Soft Washable Nursing Pads."
A Mama In Love 9.14.16 "You guys, these nursing pads are amazing! I honestly wish I would have bought them when I first started nursing. Instead I used one time use scratchy paper ones. The Bamboobies are so incredibly soft. They would make a great shower gift or just get these for yourself instead of the throw away ones. I also love that I can purchase these at Target or my favorite, Amazon Prime!"
Project Motherhood 9.12.16 "Their Washable Nursing Pads were a must for me because they are Eco-friendly (I wash a pair about every other day), so comfortable and great for stopping any messy situations! (Hint: they come in regular, overnight and combination packs – so whatever you need is available!). Then, their Boob-ease Organic Nipper Balm sits right on my nightstand to help with any nursing pain. I have the admit that I’ve been lucky, but apply when needed as a way to prevent any cracking, drying or overall soreness. It’s a must have with every nursing mama at all times!"
LA Baby Show 8.26.16 "Breastfeeding is an important and central part of being a new mother. From leaks to sore nipples, there are problems and annoyances with the entire process. Thankfully, bamboobies is here to help with their comfortable and easy solutions!"
The Leaky Boob 8/23/16 "There are some steps a breastfeeding mom can take to help her feel more comfortable with breastfeeding in public. Drawing from 17 years of off and on, mostly on, breastfeeding experience and from helping others in their journey, there are a few ways I have found can make it all a little easier."
weeSpring 8.5.16 "Unfortunately, leakage is an all-too-common issue amongst nursing mothers. Luckily, Bamboobies ultra-soft nursing pads are made with a unique milk-proof backing that stops leaks. And their heart-shaped design makes them less visible through your shirt. weeSpring mamas love them for their eco-friendlieness (they’re washable!) and the fact that they don’t “try to rip your boobs off like the disposable ones when dried.”
Pregnancy and Newborn 7.27.16
Ovia 8.4.16 "Becoming a new parent will be the most rewarding and challenging time of your life. Making arrangements ahead of time and planning for help will set you up for success. Also, keep the camera (or cell phone) close by and capture everything. The time will fly by, so enjoy it!"
Gugu Guru 8.3.16 "The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week, so we wanted to share some helpful nursing essentials which you could add to your registry or gift to a new mama friend!"
Crain's Denver 8.1.16 "Having the belief in yourself to go sell yourself and your product is essential to being an entrepreneur, but having the guts to run up a line of credit and make the product available if people say “yes” is another really big challenge."
Clarks Condensed 6.12.16 "My best piece of advice? Invest in quality nursing pads. I’ve used disposable ones and reusable ones, and they both are helpful. However, I greatly prefer reusable ones. They are a bit more cost-effective, they are more comfortable, and they just look nicer!
I’ve tried a few different brands, and I have to say, Bamboobies reusable nursing pads are by far my favorite. Not only are they a company local to where I live (based in Boulder, Colorado), but they are eco-friendly and super comfy."
Live Well Mama 6.6.16 "I don’t know about you ladies out there, but OMG I am producing like a machine! This means LEAKAGE, and lots of pads = lots of trash. I LOVE Bamboobies super absorbent, reusable, and eco-friendly nursing pads. They are extra soft, come in cute colors and heart shapes, and you can get a multipack for light or heavy leakage."
Pulling Curls 6.15.16 "Enter the fantastic era of 2016 I just found this amazing product called Bamboobies. They’re made of a bamboo velour with a no-leak protection, they are amazingly soft! Even if you don’t have the time to turn your day into a topless beach to dry off, Bamboobies wick moisture and absorb great (instead of just sort of trapping the moisture next to your breast, like some pads)."
Fresh Mommy Blog 6.1.16 "I like a good washable pad, since I’m already going to be doing plenty of laundry, it doesn’t bother me to throw something extra in the wash… and I won’t be purchasing and going through box after box of disposable nursing pads for that first month or two of nursing. This time around I’m going with the Bamboobies Nursing Pads because with the heart shape design, they don’t “show through” with lines like many of the round versions do."
Well Traveled Wife 5.29.16 "I have heard from so many friends about the leaking/chafing/awkwardness of nursing early on. I love this company’s name and products and can’t wait to try out their resuable nursing pads, balm, and nursing cover. Between these 3 items, they have me all set for the crazy world of nursing!"
Life as Mom 5.22.16 "My babies never took bottles, so I never had to pack them for our travels, but I did nurse them. It was invaluable to have a good nursing cover, nursing pads to catch leaks, and plenty of burp clothes."
Baby Sideburns 5.4.16 "And OMG, do I wish I knew about Bamboobies back then. Have you heard of them? They are these totally AWESOME nursing pads that are super soft because they are made of bamboo velour and they don’t show through your shirt and they’re even in the shape of hearts! So cute!!"
Healthy.Fit.Fab...Moms & Beyond 5.2.16 "With that said, the end result is the most rewarding thing you can imagine – whether you can only make it for a couple weeks or are able to nurse your baby for a couple years! And with Bamboobies, you don’t have to go at it alone!"
Daily Camera 5.6.16 "It was a stroke of mom genius that led Kerry Gilmartin to start her company, Bamboobies. Nursing her second child, the Boulder mom pulled a bamboo velour sample from a box of cloth diapers. It was soft, absorbent, eco-friendly and — most importantly — totally different from any reusable nursing pad on the market." Click here to read the entire article. 4.28.16 "I can tell you that after nursing 6 babies, having the right nursing pads can make all the difference in the world in the quality of the sleep you get. The first few weeks after my oldest son was born I spent many nights in tears because I thought waking up to my shirt soaked in milk was going to be the new norm."
Mom and More 4.27.16 "I honestly never breast fed in public because I was embarrassed and the blankets I tried to use never stayed in place. This nursing cover actually goes on like a poncho and is one size fits most. Just like the Nursing Pads, this Nursing Shawl is made of the ultra-soft rayon from bamboo. The fabric really is amazing and lightweight. Its not a fabric that would irritate a baby while they are feeding which is a must."
Real Simple Mama 4.24.16 "Ok so these regular pads are AWESOME – they’re super soft, super thin, and honestly just the only “cute” pads on the market."
The Mommyhood Chronicles 4.22.16 "By using reusable nursing pads like Bamboobies, not only are you saving yourself a pretty penny on pads but you’re also doing your part to help protect the earth and keep the environment free of harmful products."
Well Rounded NY 4.19.16 "These Bamboobies washable nursing pads will help prevent you from ruining the going home from outfit you planned to commemorate in your first family photo on Facebook for all to see."

Positively Oakes 3.24.16 "Nipple cream is game changing, especially those first few weeks when your nips will most likely be chapped and in pure pain. Bamboobies Boobease Organic Nipple Balm is great for several reasons, it doesn’t smell bad (like others I’ve tried), it’s literally soothing and it goes a LONG way."
thekidsdidit 02.10.16 "In those first days, weeks, months, you search for something, anything to make nursing life a little easier. Bamboobies is a company that will be there from day one on your nursing career and gently comfort your most tender areas."
pregnantchicken "
These pads are featured as one of my top gifts for nursing moms because they are the perfect blend of useful, fun and special."
Faithfully Beautiful 12.5.15 "Find the right nursing pads! I cannot stress this enough!! You will be sore, there is no doubt about it, so having scratchy plastic or rubber definitely isn’t the most comfortable solution. I never found the right brand while nursing Ryland, but I am so excited to have found BAMBOOBIES! I received their day time pads & overnight pads & they are the softest material I have EVER felt! I cannot wait to put them to good use this coming March!"
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